Receive expert guidance every step of the way, from making a winning offer and negotiating the best price to successfully closing the deal.


for homes up to $1M; 0.6% for homes over $1M.
Get It Now, Pay After Closing
Licensed real-estate brokers and agents
Only pay after the purchase closes, no obligation, cancel anytime
Thorough comparative home value analysis to prepare for a winning offer
Offer making, submission & negotiation - take advantage of the negotiation skills and local market insights of expert realtors
Customized offering & bidding strategy
Escrow process supervision
General inspection assistant
Specialist inspection assistant (title, termite, sewer, roof, mold, foundation, natural hazard)
Hassle-free closing - our team assist all the paperwork
Final walk-through
AI assistant is available 24/7 to instantly answer all your home buying questions
5 offers included, $2K for each more
Make an Offer to Get My Home!

Our real estate agents are data-driven experts who know what makes your offer stand out. With compensation not tied to the purchase price, they will never push you to overbid.

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